Core Team
Mark Mierzejewski
As one of the founders and principals of the firm and its consortium, Mark Mierzejewski serves as Creative Director and Chief of Production. Together in 1984, with his partner, Alisa, Mark began cultivating a select clientele of small to mid-sized businesses seeking high end design, creative and production services. Initially concentrating in graphic design – primarily on identity/logos, print advertising and collaterals – Mark also developed a publishing clientele for which he designed a series of books and catalogs. Originally A&M Design, their collaboration was the genus of AM Associates (AMA). Mark and Alisa transitioned their business and its growing clientele to a digital platform in the late 1980s and early ’90s. This remains an ongoing process of continuing education, mastering evolving technologies and constantly pushing the state of the art while exploring its outer edges.
Mark’s background as a designer/illustrator, and his innately artistic eye and hand are immediately apparent in the many forms his creativity takes. These range from logo/ID systems and brochure design to various other print collaterals, packaging, advertising, publishing, marketing materials, trade show & POP displays, web design and development. From print, web and multimedia for corporate real estate development, language companies, industrial companies to design of fine art books – each project have the stamp of ‘excellence’ with every assignment produced.
Alisa Mierzejewski
Client Relations and Web development are two areas of expertise where the twain rarely meets. Alisa redefines how being at once, people and service-oriented, and Web-savvy, can and should be.
Alisa brings her unique perspective and skill set to the team, cultivating a select clientele of small to mid-sized businesses seeking high end design, creative and production services. Alisa’s keen, early interest in interactive media & technology became the foundation of her now extensive experience and depth of expertise in Web development – which she brings to each and every e-media engagement. Her Web assignments encompass site structure and build-outs for both small to mid-sized businesses as well as major, multi-nationals – such as and including Pratt & Whitney. Alisa’s roots in graphic, print and book design contribute to her ability to translate sophisticated images and messaging seamlessly into the world of Web code and content. As the online environment’s dependency on new and emerging technologies such CSS and CMS grows, so do Alisa’s mastery and command thereof. However and of even greater importance are her ‘people’ skills – giving clients the comfort and clarity they need to make sound decisions, in an increasingly challenging business environment.